Check Exit Permit Qatar Online 2025

Check Exit Permit Qatar Online

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When you are an employee then you may be required to go out of the country temporarily or permanently. So to exit the country you need an exit permit that you can apply for online using the Ministry of Interior’s website. 

The employees can use the website of the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor, and Social Affairs to check the status of their exit permits with ease. I will guide you in this article to make sure you can go through this process easily.

Useful information:

Checking Exit Permit Using MOI Website

The process is simple, and you can follow the steps below to check your exit permit:

Step 1: First, click on this LINK to go to the official MOI Qatar website.

Step 2: On the homepage of the MOI website, click on the MOI Service on the right side of the Home.

Step 3: Now click on “Inquiries” from the menu.MOI Service

Step 4: Click on the “Exit & Entry Permit” and then click on “Leave Notification Inquiry” to check your inquiry.

Exit & Entry Permit

Step 5: On the next page, you will need to enter your QID number in the empty box.

Step 6: Complete the Captcha and finally click on the “Search” button.

enter your QID number

Step 7: OR you can click on “Leave Notification Application Form” if you want to apply for the exit permit.

Step 8: Then you can fill out the form. You will need to provide:

a: From Applicant:

  • Departing person’s Name
  • Departing Person’s Details like ID# or Visa#
  • Applicants Name
  • Applicants ID Number

b: From Employer:

  • Company’s Name
  • Authorized Signatory Name
  • Company’s ID Number
  • Authorized Signatory ID Number

Types of Exit Permits in Qatar

If you want to apply for exit permits, then make sure to apply for the one that suits you the best. There are two main types of exit permits which are as follows:

Single Exit Permit

It only allows the person to leave Qatar only once for a specific period of time.

Multiple Exit Permit

It only allows the person to exit and enter multiple times for a specific period of time.

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